It is estimated that roughly 30 million Americans
become sexually addicted sometime in their lives. This is
broken down to include 8 per cent of adult men and 3 per cent of adult
women will become sexually addicted.
“The sex addict becomes hooked on the neurochemical
response of the body during sexual behavior, which may include
compulsive masturbation, anonymous sex, multiple partners,
exhibitionism, voyeurism, viewing Internet pornography or crimes such
as sexual abuse and rape.”
The purpose of this article is to point up the issue
as well as point to sources and ways that help in dealing with sexual
addiction. The resource for this article comes from a
recent publication in Christianity Today by John W. Kennedy, “Help for
the Sexually Desperate” (March 2008).
There are many church goers, business men,
professionals, apparently model husbands who are sex
addicts. In one group of men who recognized their problem
and sought help were the following: 1) a real estate agent “caught by
his wife look at Internet porn before a Sunday morning church
service.” 2) a political consult who spent more than 3 years
participating in mate-swapping on Saturday nights and regularly sitting
in church on Sunday mornings.” 3) “a self-employed businessman
discovered by his girlfriend carrying on an emotional relationship in
cyberspace.” 4) “a building contractor who claims to have
had sexual intercourse with more than 1000 women.”
The sex addict is not the only person
affected. The spouse, often the wife, suffers
in different ways. We hope to have a series of
testimonies of spouses who have
been affected by the addiction of their mates . Click here to read the first testimony.
Whatever rationalization one may give for getting
caught up in sexual addition, the Internet has provided easy access to
all kinds of porn. “Viewing pornography is nearly always
accompanied by masturbation. Swirling emotions surround the
mood-altering experience. Some men never move past this state.
Addicts bring different beliefs into their views on pornography, based
on their spiritual and familiar backgrounds. It also
depends on how much and what type of pornography is being
consumed. Progression will likely be quicker for someone who
watches orgy films nightly than for someone looking at a soft-core porn
magazine monthly. If sex is the top “medicator” of an addict,
progress is rapid. The addict develops a tolerance for new
behaviors if they bring temporary relief.”
“Other progress rapidly to increasing exotic,
perverse, and even illegal sexual behavior: exhibitionism, voyeurism,
strip clubs, lap dances, massage parlors, adultery, prostitution,
homosexual liaisons, rape, incest, bestiality, or child
molestation–anything to feed the craving.”
The first step in dealing sexual addition is to
admit it, confess it to yourself. The second step is to seek a
group of men who have confessed the same to themselves. The
general opinion is that you cannot win this battle alone. You
need the help of others who are available to help at any time of the
day or night.
There are a number of organizations around the
country offering help to sexual addicts.
You may be able to locate a group near you by calling one of these
Faithful and True Ministries, Eden Prairie, Mn,
Phone: 952-746-3882. Website: Faithfulandtrueministries.com
Heart to Heart Counseling Center, Colorado Springs,
Phone: 719-278-3708. Website: sexaddict.com
Operation Integrity, Monarch Beach, CA.
Phone:800-762-0430, Website: operationintegrity.org
Pure Life Ministries, Dry Ridge, Ky. Phone
888-PURELIFE, Website: purelifeministries.org
Pure Desire Ministries intl. Gresham,
OR. Phone: 503-661-4444, Website: puredesire.org
Pure Warrior Ministries, Valleyford, WA.
Phone:509-590-8395, Website: purewarrior.org